Cultivating a greener tomorrow
In a bid to sow the seeds of environmental consciousness among Canadian children and their families, the Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation has initiated a seed preservation program to promote seed biodiversity and ecological seed production, and to keep seeds in the public domain.
With a firm belief that "one seed can grow a forest, one child can change the world, one idea can inspire a generation," Plant a Seed has invested $14,000 to support Seeds of Diversity and the University of British Columbia (UBC) Botanical Garden’s Seed Saver program.
The funds have been judiciously split, with $7,000 aiding Seeds of Diversity and an equal amount nurturing the UBC Botanical Garden Seed Saver program. Notably, Plant a Seed’s commitment to the use of certified organic seeds includes donating bush beans, green peas, radishes, romaine lettuce, and echinacea seeds to schools and libraries. The impact is notable, as 55% of the libraries that Plant a Seed has reached now host seed libraries, fostering the spread of organic seeds from coast to coast.
“In anticipation of Organic Month this September, we are extending an invitation to all natural health retailers” explaines Regina Nebrida from Plant a Seed. “We invite everyone to host a Plant a Seed–Read! story time in a section of your store, for children from kindergarten to Grade 3. This initiative will make learning about seed preservation engaging and accessible for young minds.”
To download educational materials and free advertising posters for your event, please visit
“Plant a Seed invites everyone in our communities to participate actively,” says Regina. “By embracing the Plant a Seed–Read! resources and incorporating them into the lives of the youngest members of society, we can cultivate a generation that understands the delicate balance between organic seed planting and a sustainable future. It's a small step that can lead to monumental change, reminding us that, indeed, one seed has the power to grow a forest.”