A spotlight on the best of our industry’s women: Interview with brenda kirk
By Ellen Wheeler
CNHR is pleased to present “In Her Own Words,” a column that introduces you to outstanding female leaders and innovators in our natural health community each issue.
The column is led by Ellen Wheeler, vice president of partnerships for Alive Publishing Group and associate publisher of CNHR. Equally comfortable working with partners in retail and vendor sectors and the winner of the 2024 CHFA Woman of Influence Award, Ellen leverages her considerable skills and experiences to shine a light on the industry women who are making a difference.
In this column, Ellen introduces you to Brenda Kirk, senior vice president of operations and merchandising at Pattison Food Group. During her 45 years in the grocery industry, Brenda has honed her reputation as a dynamic, strategic and committed leader who’s focused on achieving results and doing what’s right for her team and customers.
As a founding member, and now executive sponsor, of the Pattison Food Group’s TogetHER Network, which is aimed at driving change around diversity and inclusion, Brenda is a strong advocate for making a positive and measurable difference in the workplace.
ELLEN: You started in retail very early in your career with Save-On-Foods. What was the draw, for you?
BRENDA: While I was still in school, I worked at Overwaitea Foods—a part time job, but I liked it. The Overwaitea Food Group is the parent company for Save-On-Foods, and I switched when I moved to Vancouver as part of the team opening a Save-On-Foods in North Vancouver. I loved retail because I loved the people I worked with and interacting with customers every day. It’s a people job.
ELLEN: Did you have a mid-career crisis—were you ever tempted to leave retail and try something else?
BRENDA: After a few years as a cashier, I started looking at my future. I remember I couldn’t imagine myself staying a cashier my whole career, so I talked to my dad. He asked me some key questions: was it a good company; did they treat me well? When I told him the answers were both yes, he encouraged me to seek opportunities within the company—to work hard, to learn, and to grow. So that’s what I did.
ELLEN: Tell us a little about that journey and the challenges you faced as a woman along the way.
BRENDA: I’ve had an amazing career, working my way up from cashier to senior vice president with the Pattison Food Group. Today, two women are part of the executive leadership team for the company—I’m one of them. I call it my “wildly imperfect career” because it has truly been an adventure.
When I started, there were limited opportunities for women in retail. There was no path to management. Back then, our collective agreements weren’t equitable. Over time, the agreements changed, opening doors for women like me to move forward.
Working in stores is the best job at our company. In store is where I learned the foundational principles of the business, the ones I still use on the executive leadership team.
The biggest challenge I faced along the way was being judged by the standards of men, expected to behave and lead just like them. Women have all kinds of different strengths, yet we were always measured relative to men.
ELLEN: What methods did you use to overcome challenges and low points in your career?
BRENDA: In the beginning, I used to try to prove myself by doing everything the same way as my male colleagues. Over time, I learned that being my authentic self was more valuable, and now I coach other women to do the same. If we live our values, work hard, and stay true to ourselves, we shine.
Don’t get me wrong—there were challenges, and there still are. I had to learn resilience, to grow and adapt. But I also had to learn to be open, and to succeed while still holding true to myself.
ELLEN: Did you look up to any role models?
BRENDA: I’ve had many role models along the way. Early on, I would look to our internal senior leaders, who were all enormously helpful and supportive. Today, I also look outside our company. I reach out to senior women in our industry—to support their journeys, yes, but also to connect. I have created some amazing connections and found amazing mentors along the way. I’ve found that other senior leaders are also looking for mentors, so these connections are a great way for us to help each other.
ELLEN: What are the three most important qualities or character features you look for in an employee when hiring or promoting?
BRENDA: First, integrity and trustworthiness. Second, leadership and vision: do you have a vision of where you are taking your business? Do you have the skills to get it there? Third, strong communication. If you’re a good communicator, you are usually collaborative and will be a good fit for our culture.
ELLEN: As you’ve taken on more senior positions, how have you found the balance between the professional and the personal?
BRENDA: Honestly, I have struggled with this at different points in my career. I love what I do, so I find leaning in and putting lots of hours into my work very fulfilling. However, it does take away from my personal life from time to time. There were definitely times in my career when I did not prioritize myself enough.
It took me a while to learn, but now I know that I have to look after myself first. I schedule time for the things I enjoy; I go to the gym twice a week; and, once I leave work, I shift modes and consciously prioritize my family and friends.
ELLEN: Do you have any advice for young women just starting out? What words of wisdom would you share with them?
BRENDA: To women starting out, I would say: find something you love doing. Work hard at it, be true to who you are, and learn resilience. You won’t always get it right, but you will learn from getting it wrong.
If you’re looking to grow your career, let your intentions be known and find supporters to help you get there. Take risks and be courageous—it’s the best way to learn and grow, to understand what you’re capable of, to increase your confidence, and to move towards your goals. If you don’t take risks, you don’t move forward. This is where the most learning will happen.
Lastly, be your authentic self. People want to hear from you—that’s why you’re in the role you are in. Get it right with your people, because it’s your people who make you and your business successful. Listen, communicate, and learn from them. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Just show up as you.