In Her Own Words: New column will spotlight the best of our industry’s women
CNHR is pleased to introduce a new column this year. “In Her Own Words” will appear each issue, and it will introduce you to outstanding female leaders and innovators in our natural health community.
The idea for the column was initiated by Ellen Wheeler, vice-president of partnerships for Alive Publishing Group and associate publisher of CNHR. Ellen is equally comfortable working with partners in both the retail and vendor sectors and, coupled with being the winner of the 2024 CHFA Woman of Influence Award, she is in an ideal position to select and interview the women from our sector who are making a difference.
In this first column, CNHR will introduce you to Ellen and to what she hopes will come out of her interviews with some of the most amazing women from the natural health industry.
CNHR: Ellen, how did you find your way into the natural health products (NHP) industry?
ELLEN: I made the move from Ottawa, Ontario, to Vancouver, BC, in October of 1997, in search of warmer temperatures. Soon after arriving, I saw a job listing at alive magazine. I was interviewed by Siegfried Gursche, alive’s founder, and he hired me right away. It was my first job outside of retail, and my first job in BC.
CNHR: What made you decide to stay and build a career in this industry?
ELLEN: I absolutely loved working for alive. Siegfried was such a visionary, and he really presented incredible opportunities to everyone at alive. The more exposure I had to the industry, the more friends I made, and the more I learned along the way. Even though I have been working here for so long, every single day is different. I have made the most amazing connections and have been supported in growing my role substantially over the years.
CNHR: Your job with Alive Publishing Group is vice president of partnerships. Beyond that, what role do you see yourself serving in the NHP industry? How do you see yourself helping others and being a positive influence and leading the way for younger women in the industry?
ELLEN: I started at alive as a young woman and came onto a team with many strong, influential women. In fact, the industry as a whole had a lot of strong women role models when I joined. As someone just starting out, the challenge was that those women seemed so removed from me and my teammates. They were a very tight group and, while aspirational, somewhat out of reach. As one of the more tenured (read: old) women in this space now, I would like to create a space where our more experienced community is accessible and available to those starting out.
CNHR: Why a focus on women? What do you think is missing from the current NHP industry structure that could be added to better help and serve women?
ELLEN: There are so many incredible women in this industry. My goal is to create a space where we can share our networks within the industry. I am, for example, in the amazing position through my work at Alive Publishing Group of being able to connect with people from all facets of the industry. I have relationships with the retailers, manufacturers, and distributors, and I often get asked for referrals and recommendations. I have a vision of sharing these networks with all of the remarkable women that I know so that we can support each other directly.
CNHR: Have you seen growth in the role that women play in our industry over the past 20 years?
ELLEN: Women have always been strong in this industry. I have seen a lot of growth, particularly in women occupying executive roles, both north and south of the border. And while I do think that women are increasingly in positions of influence in our industry, I am certain that there are still challenges for women, like wage disparity and a lack of visibility.
CNHR: In the spring of 2024, you personally launched a Women of the Natural Health Industry luncheon. What were your goals when you initiated it?
ELLEN: I originally invited 10 powerhouse women to lunch at CHFA NOW 2024 in Vancouver. I am frequently asked to connect women in my network—everyone needs something—whether it’s a job for themselves, additions to their team, or introductions to others in the industry. It has made me realize how valuable my personal network is and that there is no downside to me sharing it and helping others connect so that we can all expand our networks and support each other.
It was a very successful gathering, so when it came time for CHFA NOW 2024 in Toronto, I expanded the group to 20 ladies. To help underline the purpose of the luncheon, everyone who attended was given a card to fill in with their “one big ask.” Since then, we have shared those “asks” between the group and stayed in contact. I will be hosting another lunch at CHFA NOW 2025 in Toronto.
CNHR: You obviously saw a need for something like this—a chance for women professionals to have a place and opportunity to network and talk about their successes, their challenges, and probably just about anything they wanted. Did everyone see it the same way as you?
ELLEN: Absolutely, the feedback from my luncheon has been incredible.
CNHR: Did attendees bring something unexpected to the luncheon, an element that you hadn’t thought of, something that surprised you?
ELLEN: I think that the gratitude that I received was far more than I expected.
CNHR: Was the success of the luncheon an impetus to initiate the column?
ELLEN: It definitely was. Several ladies in the group talked about visibility as part of their ask, and I realized that I am in a position to create it.
CNHR: Ellen, you’ll be contributing “In Her Own Words” to each issue. What is your goal with the column?
ELLEN: I would like to take advantage of my unique position in the marketplace as a member of a media organization to introduce and highlight some of the incredible women leaders that I have had the good fortune to get to know and to share some of their stories.
CNHR: Without naming names, can you give us an idea of the type of women you will be interviewing?
ELLEN: My idea is to start with leaders in our industry, alternating between retailers and vendors. It will be an introduction to the many amazing women that I fortunately know.
CNHR: What do you hope the women you interview will be able to offer women readers of CNHR?
ELLEN: I think that the women I interview will have many unique experiences to share and a wealth of wisdom to offer to new and younger up and coming women. I would have loved to have this kind of exposure and mentorship.