In sales, a good listener always beats a good talker

By Bruce W. Cole

During the 2024 CHFA NOW in Toronto, two very successful natural health retailers told me that they wished they were making more sales in their stores. I guess all retailers feel this way—who doesn’t want more sales? What made this different, however, was that these two are among the most astute retailers I know. If they are having concerns, it’s likely that many, or most, or all even others are too.

 Sales can be hard—there’s no question. I’m guessing that, if you’re working in a health food store, you didn’t sign up to be a “salesperson.” But sales are vital to any organization. If you don’t make sales to customers, there won’t be a business.

 In our attempt to help industry retailers with their sales efforts, we’ve invited CHFA Hall of Famer Deane Parkes to begin contributing articles again, starting this issue. Deane wrote brilliantly for CNHR for well over 20 years. His advice and insights are timeless, and his columns have historically been the most popular, most read items in CNHR. He will primarily focus on sales, including ways you can increase your customers’ average basket size.

 Firstly, one observation about selling in a health food store: it is very different from many other sales situations. You already have people walking in your door looking for your help. They are there to buy something. You’re there to guide them.

 Secondly, you already possess what I would consider the most important tool to be a good salesperson: the power of listening. The best salespeople I have encountered in my life have all been world-class listeners and question askers. Against the popular stereotype, they are rarely “good talkers.” 

 Finally, trust is vital in sales. You already have that with your customer base. That’s why they come to your store.

 Sales doesn’t mean forcing people to leave with items they don’t need: it’s about making sure they depart with the products that will make them feel better, whether it’s one or more.

CHFA NOW Vancouver 2025

If you’re coming to CHFA NOW in Vancouver, please attend the Retailer Roundtable on Friday, April 25, from 10 am to 11:15 am.

 This session is exclusively for retailers and offers a chance to connect with your peers. Join us to exchange trade tips, share success stories, and discuss topics that are important to you.

 With so many great sessions to choose from at CHFA NOW, don't forget to register for the Retailer Roundtable at and kickoff the conference with a collaborative discussion with industry experts! Space is limited!


CHFA NOW: the wellness show of the West is back


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